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Endemic Peru

Travel Agency

Perú Wildlife Tours


  “…We had an amazing day where everything fell into place perfectly. The food was exactly what we desired, and we were fortunate enough to have the guidance of two knowledgeable companions”

Ross & Anne Thompson

“We LOVED our tour with David and Ceero! David was very knowledgeable of the birds in all locations and we felt quite comfortable with our driver, Ceero. The breakfast, snacks, and lunch provided were delicious and the locations we went to were awesome. We had a chance to learn about other wildlife (wild guinea pigs!) and interact with local Peruvians on our tour through the mountains. This trip was not just a great bird tour, but a chance to see a different way of life and experience the Andes”  

Amanda Shafer

  "David, our guide, was excellent, and his expertise shows as we saw 54 bird species!!  Breakfast and lunch were tasty and kept us very happy throughout the day!  I would not hesitate to recommend Endemic Peru to my friends when traveling to Peru!  Thank you so much for everything!  I cannot tell you how happy we were!  :)"  

Kevin, Bob and Ashley

Amazon Tours in Manu – Peru

Our Jungle trips occur in Manu National Park.

Get some important information about it here.

Our departures start mainly from Cusco. Once we start to pick you up from the hotel, staying in some lodges on the way which provide meals, beds, showers until the last day on the tour where we will drop off you at your hotel in Cusco

In our short Amazon Tours of Three or Four days, occurs in cloud forest of Manu road with special ecosystem for watching birds mostly and some species of Monkeys such as Wooly Monkey, brown Capuchin Monkey and Squirrel Monkey and the natural scenery. We get the following elevation Cusco 3350 m.a.s.l; Acjanaco in Manu National Park which is at 3560 m.a.s.l; and Madre de Dios river at 450 m.a.s.l. where we navigate. We visit a small lake and a clay-lick of parrots and we go back to Cusco by the same way we get to the Jungle.

There is an interesting program of five days which basically we spend more time on the boat and Amazon trails going straight to the points for watching wildlife along Manu road and Madre de Dios river where we spend seven hours on the boat more less to get where the lodges are located, including clay-licks of parrots and Macaws. We go back to Cusco taking the highway, which is a road that goes across South America named Transoceanic (highest elevation of 4725 m.a.s.l.)

In programs more than six days (recommended) we visit the Manu National Park expecting to see more wildlife along Manu River such as Peccaries, Tapirs, Caimans, Monkeys, Toucans or Jaguar.

The route we take is like the programs before mentioned but farther, it means by Manu road, Madre de Dios River, Manu River and Transoceanic highway. Most of our transport will be by boat and walking by some Amazon trails except the first day and part of last day (private car). In order, we get to visit oxbow lakes of Amazon basin, Casa Matziguenka (Indigenous people) which is a place where we are going to stay and learn some skills from them; clay-licks of Parrots and Red and Green Macaws, which is the biggest Macaw that live in Peru’s rainforest.

It is important to have yellow fever vaccination; there are not people with Malaria disease in the regions of Cusco and Madre de Dios in Southeastern. We know that some people come drinking malaria pills but we do not actually recommend because it cause general discomfort.

There are very few mosquitos around the lodges (almost nothing) than in the trails, however if you bring T-shirts with long sleeves of preference and Insect repellent that would be enough for your protection.

It is good to bring only the stuff that you will need, use or wear in the Jungle because the humidity.

Vegetarian option

Bring some money in cash because there is not ATM (if you would like to buy any extra snacks, alcoholic drinks or gratitude)

Signal phone in some villages only Movistar company

The Humidity is about 98 %

Temperature 220C to 330C or 74oF to 900F (lowland)

You can recharge the batteries (except in Casa Matziguenka)

Boats are made of wood and have roof

Rubber boots are important too and we will provide them to you

Most Popular Packages

Amazon wildlife tours 06 days

River Otters at Salvador Lake in Manu

Manu is one of places with the most biodiversity on the earth (by National Geographic), We start at Cuzco (High Andes) and the lowlands of Manu National Park (Amazon Basin) all by car 15% and boat 80%; staying at different lodges; having contact with native indians from the rainforest at Casa Matziguenka; visiting the oxbow lakes on Catamaran; the biggest claylick of parrots with Macaws nearest Manu and going back to Cuzco by plane; spotting wildlife everyday.