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Endemic Peru

Travel Agency

Perú Wildlife Tours


  “…We had an amazing day where everything fell into place perfectly. The food was exactly what we desired, and we were fortunate enough to have the guidance of two knowledgeable companions”

Ross & Anne Thompson

“We LOVED our tour with David and Ceero! David was very knowledgeable of the birds in all locations and we felt quite comfortable with our driver, Ceero. The breakfast, snacks, and lunch provided were delicious and the locations we went to were awesome. We had a chance to learn about other wildlife (wild guinea pigs!) and interact with local Peruvians on our tour through the mountains. This trip was not just a great bird tour, but a chance to see a different way of life and experience the Andes”  

Amanda Shafer

  "David, our guide, was excellent, and his expertise shows as we saw 54 bird species!!  Breakfast and lunch were tasty and kept us very happy throughout the day!  I would not hesitate to recommend Endemic Peru to my friends when traveling to Peru!  Thank you so much for everything!  I cannot tell you how happy we were!  :)"  

Kevin, Bob and Ashley

Birding in Southeastern Peru

We are a team of Peruvian birding guides. We do what we really like (Watching birds) we live in Cusco – Peru and we enjoy taking Naturalist travelers, twitches, birdwatchers and birders (as you would like to call them) around Cuzco, Machupicchu, Manu National Park here in Peru.

We are specialized watching birds in Cuzco and around, we believe that indigenous communities will develop their life quality through ecotourism.

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Most Popular Packages

Condor in Cuzco One Full day

In order to increase our chances to see Condors we leave from Cusco at 7:00 am. We go three hours in our private car, once we get there; we walk up and down a distance of four kilometers to the viewpoint, from where we will get to see the flight of Condors along the day with the spectacular views of Andean landscapes on Apurimac River.
At 5:00 pm, we start to go back to Cusco to your hotel
ALL INCLUDED. Birding guide + private car with driver + Box lunch + Hot drinks

Birding Abra Malaga 02 Days

First day we start from Cuzco and we pass through Ollantaytambo birding, after this we get to the pass of Abra Malaga three hours from Cuzco by car, from where we will start to go visit the spots of Polylepis forest with several bird species.
Second day we will visit the Cloudforest side of the Andes of Abra Malaga, where we will see birds of humid mountain forest of Abra Malaga.
ALL INCLUDED. Birding guide + private car with driver + Box lunch + Hot drinks.

Birding Cuzco Huacarpay Lake 06 Hours

Endemic Bird species in Huacarpay Lake, among several birds around this RAMSAR SITE Wetland near Cuzco, and some specific points for hummingbirds around this area watching birds for about 06 Hours.
Bearded-Mountaineer (Oreonynpha nobilis), Rusty-fronted Canastero (Asthenes ottonis) among Ducks, Greebs, Hawks, Seedeaters, Ground tyrants and several Furnariidae birds.
INCLUDED: Birding guide with telescope + Breakfast with hot drinks + Private Car with our private driver + transfer to your hotel after birding

Birding in Cuzco One full day

Get to see around sixty bird species in only ten hours, going by the high Andean Lakes of Cusco all by private car and with the experienced local guides, we are leaving every day with private groups.
This RAMSAR SITE is a place that harbors endemic species of birds such as the Bearded mountaineer (Oreonympha nobilis) and Rusty-fronted Canastero (Rusty-fronted Canastero) among other rare species such as Silvery Greebe (Podiceps occipitalis); Giant Coot (Fulica gigantea); Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides) and some migratory bird species.

Birding Andes to Amazon Peru 9D

This birding destination is probably the most famous birding routes in Peru chose by the birdwatcher from the world.
We start with Manu Road in the Cloud Forest spending three days here and one more day in this transition forest between Cloud Forest Manu and Rainforest Manu with some Clay-lick of Parrots and Macaws, same for mammals in Amazon Trails; visiting oxbow lakes and towers for canopy birds in the Rainforest increasing our chances for more bird species we finish the tour in Cuzco.

Birding Cuzco to Machupicchu 05 days

Shining Sunbeam

Birding Machupicchu around the anciest city of the Incas, This birding tour includes Cuzco at Huacarpay Lake with several hummingbirds and spinetails; Abra Malaga with more hummingbirds, antpittas, and the thretened Royal Cinclodes by the both slope of the Andes and aroud Machupicchu all by car and train watching some endemics and colorfull species among tanagers and hummingbirds.
We offer nice food, and experienced birding guides; we will aslo provide a checklist of birds species for an excellent experience.